"I grew up in a family of intuitives that goes back many generations. My sister Gina Marie is a gifted Spiritual Psychic & Evidential Medium and offers Therapeutic Spiritual Counsel. Growing up with Gina was amazing and humbling; I witnessed the most remarkable experiences in channeling her gifts with Spirit to continually help others. I am also biased because she saved my life through a message from Spirit, and even though she works full time and is the mother to four beautiful children, I have seen her drop everything to go pray and offer healing to those with illness and in grief."
- Jackie
- Jackie
My sister, Gina Marie Deluca
Spiritual Psychic & Evidential Medium
Spiritual Psychic & Evidential Medium
"I am a Psychic and Evidential Medium, Mother of 4, Wife, Spiritual Advisor and so much more!
I love to spend time with my hilarious family and wonderful friends, cook delicious food, and volunteer...I have a BA in Communications, as well as I serve as a Liturgical and Eucharistic minister...I am also known as The Medium Matchmaker and help soul mates find one another.
Sometimes in life there are people with extraordinary abilities; they are able to do and see and hear things most people cannot. I am one of those individuals, and use my gifts to help others communicate with Spirit. I work to provide healing, light and love as well as to give insight into your own personal life."
Abundant Blessings Always,
Gina Marie
I love to spend time with my hilarious family and wonderful friends, cook delicious food, and volunteer...I have a BA in Communications, as well as I serve as a Liturgical and Eucharistic minister...I am also known as The Medium Matchmaker and help soul mates find one another.
Sometimes in life there are people with extraordinary abilities; they are able to do and see and hear things most people cannot. I am one of those individuals, and use my gifts to help others communicate with Spirit. I work to provide healing, light and love as well as to give insight into your own personal life."
Abundant Blessings Always,
Gina Marie